Copyright and Trademark Basics for Greeting Card Professionals Webinar - June 2024

Title: Exploring Ethical & Sustainable Sourcing: A Closer Look and Why it Matters

This session is an overview of copyright and trademark law and will weave in how they apply to the greeting card industry. Learn how to identify and enhance your creative and branding legal rights while navigating and minimizing the risks associated with the legal rights of others. It answers questions such as:

What is a copyright?
When does copyright protection begin, and how long does it last?
Why should I register my copyright?
How do I register my copyright?
What is copyright infringement?
How do I avoid copyright infringement?
What is a trademark?
When do trademark rights begin and how long does it last?
Why should I register my trademark?
What is trademark infringement?
How do I avoid trademark infringement?
What type of agreements should I consider when monetizing my creative and branding intellectual property rights?


Speaker: Elizabeth Isaac, Attorney

This webinar was recorded on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

This webinar is free for GCA members - make sure to log in in the top right corner to be able to view the recording below. You can purchase the recording for $25 as a non-member here.

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Watch the recording below.01:00:00
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